Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our fun at Knoebels!

I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I had hoped for because I found out while we were at the park that my camera card was full (1GB completely filled with what I later discovered was mostly pictures of random things thanks to Logan!)

My parents took our little family of 5 and my brother's family of 3 to Knoebels Amusement Park last weekend.  Poor Ed had worked the night before so he didn't get any sleep whatsoever (he literally came home from work and started getting ready to leave for the park!).  

Our van has finally died so we were pretty stressed about figuring out transportation but last minute my brother was able to buy a new (to him) car so my parents put my kids in their car and Ed and I rode with my brother's family.  The whole way there my nephew kept jabbering away and smiling at me which is something since he usually won't talk to me at all since he's so shy.

When we got there, the first thing I did was toss Xander on my back in the Ergo and then we set off through the parking lot.  When we got into the park, we rented a wagon for my bigger 2 kids and my mom suggested a wagon for our diaper bags since nobody really wanted to carry them around.  At a mere $6 a piece, I didn't think it was a terrible suggestion!

We went and got our wrist bands and then looked for somewhere to eat because we were all starving.  We found a little indoor restaurant and my dad was actually able to feed all 10 of us for $60!  That's pretty impressive in an amusement park if you ask me! The food was good too, and it wasn't greasy fast food type food either! It was GOOD food!
Adam and my parents on the "Merry Mixer".  You have to
look closely- they're in the center & my mom is the one
with the purple shirt.  Adam loved this ride!

After we ate we went straight for the rides (Ed and I took a small pit stop on some rides ourselves while my mom watched the boys but we were gone an hour tops) and the kids had a blast!

In the center you can see the back of Ed and the top of
Logan's head.  He loved this ride for most of it but
started to cry at the end.
Logan surprised me by wanting to try so many rides since the rides ons at the grocery store scare him LOL!

Ignore my talking through the videos lol and the quality isn't that great but it was taken with my digital camera :)

Logan asked to go on this ride but it ended up scaring him. My nephew and Adam also went on it and they loved it!

Logan loved this up until the very end. There's an awesome shot of my parents and Adam here!

Logan ADORED this ride!

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