Friday, August 20, 2010

Pen to Paper Challenge

I am a Pearista.  What does that mean? Pearistas are a group of bloggers that are sponsored by Pear Tree Greetings that share their value of staying in touch with others with their readers.  "Wait! What is Pear Tree Greetings?" you ask?  Pear Tree Greetings is an online stationary company that has many things to offer.  I really liked these Hard Hat Required birthday invitations but Logan insisted on Toy Story invites.  I'm thinking they'd still be great for Xander's birthday since he's still too little to tell me what he'd like.

As a Pearista, I have graciously accepted the Pen To Paper Challenge and will be sending one personalized note a week for four weeks.  I'll be sending a blank note card and envelope to the recipient to encourage them to do the same.

I'll be sending my first note to my Grandma whom I don't get to see often.  I don't intend on disclosing the other recipients just yet as I'd like to surprise them with their special notes but I will divulge in good time.

I'll be blogging about each note as I send them and what it meant to me to write them so stay tuned for more updates throughout the next four weeks.

Pear Tree Greetings will be picking one Pearista post a week and award that Pearista with a $50 credit to use towards any Pear Tree Greetings purchase!

Also, don't forget about this month's coupon code (which is also listed right below the page links) Throughout the month of August, enjoy 15% off anything and everything BABY! Birth Announcements, Baby Shower Invitations, Baptism Invitations and more!

Use code PEARAUG10. Shop Pear Tree Greetings' Baby Collection

My Grandma's note will be sent out tomorrow or Saturday so expect my post soon!

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